Anonymous (ID: UkQ1h+JR) 04/19/23(Wed)17:34:20 No.17489864
>>17489869 >>17489872 (You)
>>17489780 bad at using this website
Anonymous (ID: hjo168HP) [Holy Roman Empire] [Koishi] [Shinku] 04/19/23(Wed)17:35:32 No.17489869
>>17489864 most of them can't even (you) the posts they are quoting properly LMAO
Anonymous (ID: tKdorCIy) [elhomo] 04/19/23(Wed)17:36:01 No.17489872
1679636135573.gif (18 KB, 80x80) google yandex iqdb wait
18 KB
>>17489780 bad at using this website
Anonymous (ID: hjo168HP) [Holy Roman Empire] [Koishi] [Shinku] 04/19/23(Wed)17:35:32 No.17489869
>>17489864 most of them can't even (you) the posts they are quoting properly LMAO