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If an angel were to say to one of the damned: Thou shalt leave hell, but when as many ages have passed as there are drops of water, leaves on the trees and grains of sand on the seashore, he would rejoice more than a beggar on hearing that he was made a king. Yes, because all those ages will pass away. Even if they were multiplied an infinite number of times, and hell will still only be beginning. Each one of the damned would make this agreement with God: Lord, increase my pains as much as thou willst, make it last as long as thou pleasest, but put a limit to it and I am content. But no, this limit will never be. The trumpet of divine justice will sound forth nothing in hell but: "Forever, forever". The damned will ask of the devils: What hour of the night is it? When will it end? When will these trumpets, these cries, this stench, these flames, these torments end? And the answer will be: Never. And how long will they last? Forever.