Who is importing niggers into Europe? Christcucks. Who sends Israel aid? Christcuck politicians in the US.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=892r3vjXgXkGood shabbos goy, donate to the church and fund their immigration and pedophiliac schemes. And when you're done, donate the rest to Israel, you piece of shit.
Christianity is a scourge. It always has been, it always will be. It's been a bigger divider of whites than anything else. Nothing else even comes close. It caused the collapse of Rome and then followed that up by terrorizing the continent of Europe for a thousand years, murdering the best and brightest the white race had to offer, forever removing them from the collective white gene-pool. Then it caused another 300 years worth of brother wars after the "protestant reformation." And now christgolems are supporting mass-immigration, BLM, and homosexuality.