>>>>17408897 (You) (You) >>>>faces of bant.png (470 KB, 1300x1300) google yandex iqdb wait
>>470(Dead) KB
>>>>Anonymous (ID: W/CegIo1) 04/08/23(Sat)00:24:47 No.17408820
>>17408823 >>17408829 >>17408841 >>>>Is this true?
>>>>What group are you? I can safely say I am a basedchad
>>>>Anonymous (ID: XYQ/741V) 04/08/23(Sat)00:26:29 No.17408823
>>17408820 (OP)(OP) (OP)(OP) (OP) (OP)
>>>>fucking kill yourself tiny white pecker cuckold
>>>>soi spammers are not chads
>>>>onions (284).png (267 KB, 600x800) google yandex iqdb wait
>>267(Dead) KB
>>17408820 (OP)(OP) (OP)(OP) (OP) (OP) (OP)
>>>>>fucking kill yourself tiny white pecker cuckold
>>>>>soi spammers are not chads
>>>>Anonymous (ID: RoS9fVcX) 04/08/23(Sat)00:30:28 No.17408832
>>>>I started posting here 2 weeks ago, what group am I?
>>>>Anonymous (ID: 9wpPD6YT) 04/08/23(Sat)00:30:56 No.17408833
>>>>The most soulless wojacks I have ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes upon
>>>>Anonymous (ID: e2OwL0dL) 04/08/23(Sat)00:31:39 No.17408839
>>28(Dead) KB
>>>>Anonymous (ID: x8km4tLc) 04/08/23(Sat)00:31:43 No.17408840
>>>>someone wasted their time making this
>>>>on that single fact alone, /bant/ claims yet another victory
>>>>Anonymous (ID: Bf4fUKyk) 04/08/23(Sat)00:31:44 No.17408841
>>17408847 >>>>
>>17408820 (OP)(OP) (OP)(OP) (OP) (OP)
>>>>>rapefugee from /qa/
>>>>Half of the modern farty userbase never was on /qa/
>>>>Anonymous (ID: Vv9vr2lF) 04/08/23(Sat)00:31:46 No.17408842
>>>>onions (313).jpg (44 KB, 462x491) google yandex iqdb wait
>>44(Dead) KB
>>>/qant/ >>>>
>>17408841 >>>>this 2bh
>>42(Dead) KB
>>>/qant/ >>>>Anonymous (ID: Vv9vr2lF) 04/08/23(Sat)00:33:10 No.17408852
>>17408859 >>17408860 >>17408864 >>>>onions (2).jpg (130 KB, 785x1000) google yandex iqdb wait