>>20676414>>20676417Lexi bursts into wakefulness as the water splashes against her face. “Aww come on lads, I told you not to get it in my hair!” She shakes her head, visibly dazed, and licks her lips as the moisture trickles down her face. “Hey wait a minute, this isn’t c…” her eyes narrow as she notices Kanako. “Ughhhh fuck sake, I was having a bloody good dream.”
Lexi tries to gather her thoughts. What the hell happened? She had a match. Won. Was pretty banged up after though. And then… oh right. And then she decided to head over to a motel near the arena instead of going back to Cassie’s place. And that was when Kanako showed up and SHOT her. Well, clearly not with a bullet, but with something that knocked her out. And now here she is, tied up and in a warehouse, again.
“Kanako… love… you and Cass have more in common than either of you would like to admit,” Lexi says, as Kanako starts to search a dufflebag. “Look, if this is about Maaike I’m sorry, ok? I uhh, I was just trying to get in your head before the big match.” Lexi laughs nervously. “You know how it is.”
Then Kanako withdraws the pistol.