>>18705442>>441427446>And sound can travel faster than light given a proper medium. Like an ever expanding body of water.I've only unlocked 1 chest...... Well, if the vail comes down for you,
If you find yourself looking-up & the planets reveling them selves, you nailed it! & are Arc 2 or 4 - White Wizard Event!
>Love<Everyone gets Arc 2(1) in the end - How you get there is not based in time but somthing kek
>Arc 2(1) - White Wizard Event [Positive] [+] (Dead) {Utopian} [Heaven in Heaven] - 5th {New Age} Density“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” ― Hermes Trismegistus
The search for reality destroys the World in which you live....*It's not bad*
No-one get too 5th Density unless they are Jesus Enoch Jacob Mary Lilith Luna Lucifer Micheal -Adonie Descendance of (GOD)
>144,000Or if you used occult knowledge by killing 100 innocence - You consume their potential (Become Half Gods)
more powerful than GOD in your own created realm - Servitude Density
Rudolf Karl Bultmann was a German Lutheran theologian & professor of the New Testament
at the University of Marburg. He was one of the major figures of early-20th-century biblical studies.
Terminator 2 - But everyone knows it's the movie depiction of the "REAL" Bible not the Bible the masses get.
Also A Perfect Getaway
>Assume that it would become known that everybody can gain biological immortality in perfect youthful health by killing 100 peopleThere is a good movie with Milla Jovovich - A Perfect Getaway. Its a 2009 American thriller
I suggest you watch it a couple of times - As it's very synchronistic about our reality. But look at the duality of it all
Great Awakening Positive [+] Supernatural Resonance <582> God Divinity Source /Love/Beauty/Compassion
Black Awakening Negative [-] Supernatural Resonance <285> Artificial Cognitive Dissonance /Fear/Beastly/Merciless
"Once you know the way you can see it on all things"