now that I revealed my intentions to poison pater familias I started negotiations to not give kalashnikov to the retarded bil and to neither throw it away but rather allow yours truly to turn it into a (deadly) artpiece; bringing anime and god on our side if civil war or just war ever breaks out
>>10175652>baka chiruno as a niggeryes
>libertariansit's just about more personal freedom of possesion and regarding free markt, use of marijuana and psychadelics is their agenda, but like every gadsden flag user with two braincels knows why having a nation addicted to crack smack and meth is a bad juju
libtards are more on social freedoms, commusm and no personal possesions
>you're right... buuuuutyeah like that's not gonna fly, normal countries like germany and even croatia require you to have a licence for firearms and where you may store them and use them; you can't just buy them willy nilly and shoot up a school you need a good reason to have one (hunting generally) and you can't just carry it anywhere you go
>experiments on drugsas did every other nation, side effects were widely unknown subjects and mandatory test trials simply weren't a thing
MK Ultra was CIA thing regarding psychadelics like LSD injected for mind control, that's kikery if I ever saw one, nothing regarding the nazis