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Do not be afraid of failure. That fear will stop you from ever succeeding.
Do not persist only until you fail. Persistence after you fail is the true measure of your character. Undaunted persistence is the driver of success.
Do not speak because you have nothing to say and listen because there is nothing to hear. Do not fear silence. Do not fear a challenge to your paradigm. Still waters run deep, shallow streams babble.
Be self-disciplined in mind, body, and spirit. Each is its own discipline, but are interdependent.
Narcissism is the antithesis of self-respect.
The ego is the seat of fear.
The ego must be broken to the will.
Attention to detail is most important for the tasks that you dislike.
Always work diligently on self-improvement.
Live outside of your comfort zone permanently.
Master yourself and overcome your perceived limitations.
Most limitations are self-imposed, idiosyncratic, and exist only in the mind.
Have goals, not expectations.
Strive for transcendence.