>>20341242yes, they have been taken over, like pod people
that rakka movie has a similar idea
they have been assimilated!
this is a common trope, sometimes the bad guy uses drugs to keep people asleep, or some sort of technology like the matrix. the idea is that we are all dreaming/creating our own reality and thus onece we realize this we can transcend God who is considered a living abortion without spirit. only man has the spark of life in their eyes.
should have posted this first, a great and accessible primer
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/UsefulNotes/Gnosticismpic related, the lambskin coat was used in blade runner as well to signify lamb of God, only this is the antichrist with a lot of mahdi influence. he is the son of ras al-ghul, and i think al-ghul is the root if the word alcohol if i am not mistaken. the sister is selene, which means moon. this is a nod to juno, the daughter of saturn and ops. of course, saturn is the roman version of YHVH, just like set is the egyptian version. they sort of blend all saturnian gods together as if they are all the same, including moloch, remphan, chiun.