>>6076625One odd thing was that no Q signs/shirts appeared at the PA rally last night. By all accounts, hand-made signs aren't permitted at Trump rallies, but they were all over the place at the FLA rally a couple of days earlier. Some are saying that the Secret Service screeners took Q shit away at the door in PA, why would that be? How could Q go from being so prevalent in FLA, but non-existent in PA two days later?
Another weird thing I noticed at the FLA rally was Trump repeating 3 times that he's been to DC 17 times before becoming President...thought it was odd how he picked 17 out of thin air, then realized Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet. Also, it did look like Trump pointed to that cut-out Q in the audience. Even if Q is a LARP, it seems Trump is playing along with it.
Finally, the media uproar. They never spoke of Q until he was put in the spotlight at the FLA rally, then they bomb the Internet with hundreds of articles about how it's just another insane conspiracy theory, equating it to Pizzagate. To me, it looks as if they are terrified of Q and want to quickly discredit him, which only adds to my suspicion that there's something to all of this. Like the old saying....me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
Your thoughts?