>>10759641>>10759619>268236074>>10759618>>10759612>>10759606>>10759579>>10759566>>10759562>>10759527>>10759524>>10759504>>10759500>>10759488>>10759481>>10759478>>10759477>>10759473>>10759468>>10759467>>10759463>>10759459>>10759445>>10759442>>10759438>>10759441Honestly I love it in a depraved way. I mean there is no way I'd openly date a fat chick but I fucking love having just a big fat pig on the side. I love just railing a fucking disgusting fat bitch all night and then slipping back into bed with my hot skinny gf. She has no clue and its wonderful. I wouldnt be caught dead out with one of those cows but in their beds I just let my primal urges take over. All I see is red like a bull when I see all of that meat. It just comes over me so crazy I feel like I cant control myself when I see all of the meat and rolls I just want to fucking keep pounding and sucking and fucking. I want to breed in them so bad. Fat bovine whore carrying my child knowing I'll never take care of it. God it's so primal I love it. I love just washing away all of my sensibilities in those moments. No fancy dinners or dressing nice, nothing I'm used to in my upscale society. Just a fat slam pig sprawled out on a mattress ready to be tamed. Fuck I need my slam piggy right now, later dudes