jesus I go away for 40 minutes to walk my dog and my thread gets wh
I am sorrey brit I had to grab a smoke it was the only way
>>10167484>speciesyah I'd guess it would be hard to find a lot about critters from deep ocean where anything large would just explode at lower preassures and everything smoll is very alien due to years of pressured enviroment
we did discover heavy metal snails which is dope
>I am a radical centralist I'm above all of youyeah everything far is obnoxious
it's okay when you have very strong opinions as long as they are balanced
there are pragmatic political activists that try to give as much as they take and compromise, but those intellectuals are pretty rare in ignorrant majorities
>>10167497oh fuck that's bad, can you like rent your place, get a roomate so you can atleast pay the bills and food?
it's kind of fucking weird for a country that was won by nazi supporters to become commie fallout site
why the fuck nine months they are already opening stuff here as we speak, okay I get how you got struck way more than we did but seriously why 9 whole months, that's like a lot of jobs you atleast work to cover your bills (fastfood part time if anything)
>>10167500huhu what kind of messed up thing is between you two
>>10167506the fuck how can't you member your waifu for laifu maaaaan