>>6879473I swear to god frank you are literally (literally) the dumbest motherfucker I've ever come across.
>Average western Female IQ is 40-60+ points lower than the average western Male IQ. It’s going to drop to 80-100+ points lower in the next few decades if not sooner.Now, for comparisons sake (and that of my own sanity), lets be clear on what this means. Male IQ of white european males sits at, roughly speaking, about 100 IQ average - the precise level depends on the country. Now, when you reach roughly 60-70 you are functionally and literally mentally retarded - how stupid is this? It's so stupid you can barely make a living picking fruit, or cleaning tables. Really, really stupid. Deep dark African nig-nog tier IQ. The kind of IQ where white collar work is an adorable abstraction you can't even conceive of.
You're suggesting that the AVERAGE women in the west right now is at best this level of stupid, and is at worst down in the 40's (at which point literacy is a fading memory). And you're suggesting it's going to drop to 80-100 (???) points lower within the next few decades. Literally to 0 to 20?
Have you lost your fucking mind?
Now I pity women for their biological disadvantages just as much as the next redpilled dude on here, but fucking seriously? Have you lost what little remained of your sanity?
If their IQ was as you suggested now, let alone in the future, this would literally not be possible to hide. They'd be busy getting confused by fucking doors and keyboards and the whole 'verbal written communication' thing.
I swear to god, you are literally, LITERALLY the dumbest larping cunt on this entire fucking website. That random sister fucking cuck who hates white people is easily 10 times the mind you are.
Jesus fuck the absolute state of you.
Cretinous fuck.