>>10494561shut up, they hot
>nowhy would they need to
just have threesome, because as it appears you're just being stubborn
in in most countries (except asian ones) it's customary to eat your dish in it's entirity as a remark for those who can't
atleast you who gets to eat the food aren't throwing anything away to spoil when some hungry cunts could've ended up less hungry with leftover scraps that never reached them
it's like refusing to invest in shares when the poir bloke next to you would kill for a chance to invest, but allas he hasn't the equipement to invest; and now his mood gets sourer by the minute seeing the passerby that can freely try out the waters but leaves all his boats in the harbor to rust and decay because somebody was afraid of the storm that could sink some but most definitively not all of their ships
>no money for that, also no computer just laptopI definitively wouldn't
I have trouble looking at my uglier family side of faces because I just feel repulsed by their sight
I hate looking at me mum and pap knowing I'd look like their vile mashup in only the next 20 years
it's not a happy thought, knowing that despite I doubt I fall on the uglier spectrum there is obviously something repulsive about me or rather my personality that sets me at such a low position in attraction rank
not really, pain is merely a signal that coincides with occasionaly bodily harm and damage
like an injection of histamine, acetyl choline and all the shit shouldn't hurt as no damage is displayed but it does theough chemical signaling, same goes for capsaicin consumption- though no damage is made the sensation of pain is present
if I break me bone is it a signal to move my hand aswell? I thought it was a signal to stop moving