>>20441190That's kind of a big deal. I can't count the number of times shitholes with their gold stored in the BoE tried to get it back, only for anglo-kikes at the City flipping the bird at them.
It's been true with Syria, Libya, Lebanon,...
always under complete bullshit pretense :
>oh but we got reports from the white helmets you committed war crimes lately, we wouldn't want this gold to finance more massacre of civils Mr Syria teehee>oh but your current financial instability wont be solved by adding few bars in your vaults, Mr Lebanon, plus we got reports of your central bank chairman locking himself in the CB main vault lol? We wouldn't want corrupt officials to profit from the situation, until the lebanese pound is back on it's feet, we wont give you your gold teehee>But, Mr Libya, it would be morally wrong for you to get back this gold while a humanitarian crisis is still unfolding. We at the City of London are very concerned when it comes to human tragedies, and the moral forbid us to deliver you your gold until every citizen is well fed teeheeLondon have been gatekeeping this war chest for decades and just like with the US back in the 60s, a good bunch of poor countries with no mean to legally fight against the anglo-israelites mafia considered this gold as good as lost in their records. This might spark a new hope of getting it back, even though for India it's a peculiar situation. Wouldn't be surprised a bit if this move was pushed by jeets in the UK government whose' loyalty still go toward India. That's the issue when you give foreigners any bit of control : they never have the interests of englishmen in mind. Even worse when you make them your prime ministers and top advisors in every fucking branch of the government.
As if marano jews weren't enough of a cancer, they now have to deal with marano jeets aswell. Poor Britannia about to get plundered from within by a myriad of shitskins who never had any allegiance to the UK.
Utterly predictable.