>>10904637>>10904655lel, they literally just made this up and now admit doing so as
>>10904707 says. The idea was that 5 million goys was the biggest round number to elicit sympathy without overshadowing the 6 gorillion supposed jewish victims. But we're supposed to believe that these same people who, by their own admission, lied about a genocide for many decades for political gain are being 100% truthful about the other aspects of the story, and also overlook the many times the numbers have drastically changed and they've told ridiculous lies on the record about electric floors, holocauster roller coasters etc.
The holocaust is now an article of faith for most jews, including the secular ones. They find the very idea that it needs to be proven offensive, as if you're asking them to prove that the events of Exodus happened, another persecution narrative that's unsupported by the historical and archaeological record. Accordingly, all the massive holes in the story such as the lack of sufficient human remains, and the physical impossibility of the "gas chambers" (actually a morgue) at Auschwitz-Birkenau operating at anything like the claimed capacity, just don't matter to them. Of course, the fact it has given jews political power and protection from criticism provides an incentive for them to want to believe it.