>>9516411nothing. i spend my time IRL telling white people not to mix races as they up end up society-destroying mutts like my sister and brother who one is a leech on welfare and the other is a leech on welfare, deals drugs, enables niggers to rob/deal, with her kid being a drug dealing retard. i called the cops anonymously on my sister and her kid and both are in prison now. i sabotage them any chance i get. i use them as clear examples to people as why not to mix on facebook and the thot single moms with niglets rage and unfriend me like it matters. i tend to check their facebook pages just to see "omg im cryn, jamal beat me and took everything in the apartment" then i use them as examples
people dont say shit because i tell them my family is a prime example of what is wrong with society and what is to be expected. i would rather not be white, because i can get away with tons of shit to educate people around me