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What are some the best and worst boards you use.
/an/ (Good discussions such as speculative biology, also helpful for general pet advice)
/vr/ (Probably the only good vidya board on this site)
/k/ (I like weapons)
/bant/ (Pure shitposting fun)
/s4s/ (topkek)
/g/ - (My main board, plagued with generals, a growing anti-anime sentiment, AYY EMM DEEE ON SUCIDE WATCH, and /v/idya babies.)
/a/ (okay discussions from time to time but a bit boring. )
/mu/ (also okay, not great but sometimes good for music discovery.)
/pol/ (plauged with newfags, nonstop shilling from both political ends, kind of infuriating in my opinion but good for major happenings threads.)
/r9k/ (Used to be my primary board until the board went to shit thanks to orbiter worshiping, mods that don't do shit, communists, /soc/ posting, and discord threads. I pratically avoid this board these days.)
/v/ (GOD AWFUL MODS, users with bad tastes in vidya, kind of boring, the only good thing to come out of the shitposting on there was *BING BING WAHOO!*)