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Don't get me wrong, some things that /pol/ says I see no reason to sperg out over simply hearing, so long as they are things that can be legitimately discovered by anyone and reasonably supported. For instance anyone can easily look up company information and find that there are in fact a lot of Jewish people in positions of great influence than would be considered reasonable. This at least is something that requires no cherry-picking to discover and is as simple as looking it up and seeing who owns what. But when it gets to how that somehow means that every single Jew currently alive is an evil overlord bent on screwing over every non-Jew he sees from the moment he is born to the moment he dies, this is where the arguments just get ridiculous to me. The way I see it /pol/'s message would actually be reasonable if they only stopped endlessly preaching about how every single Jew is inherently bad while at the same time only showing credible evidence that suggests that specific Jews in power who hold radical Zionist beliefs are bad. If /pol/ argued without bias that there is evidence to claim that there are a SPECIFIC and limited group of radical Zionist Jews in power who abuse their power out of a desire for their religion to one day be the dominant religion of the world- at least that would objectively be ten times more defensible than relentlessly claiming that because of what some radical Zionists in power believe and want, every single Jew including the average everyday Jew (whose only bitter feelings probably involve there being less Hanukkah songs on the radio than Christmas songs) is evil. Radical branches of various religions believing that people who don't practice their religion are less than human and deserve to be looked down upon at least isn't something that hasn't happened before in history, and it's far more believable for that to be happening than all Jews as a whole being certified villains from birth.