Unironically knowing what true suffering is like now
Anonymous ID:9Ic62+2u No.3495526 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Boys and George foremans, gather round. It's some story time before i ask for some most needed advice. and I wont green text for the sake of time
2 months ago I basically started to believe in a kind and merciful god because I actually met the girl of my dreams and we got together from the sheer fact that we were both weeb trash and were mostly jojofags, and we bonded so much over the course of time that we (oh man here comes the shocker) got together and slowly turned into normal fags, ascending from the beta cucks we were prior to everything, I even got super chummy with her family, even with them knowing I was basically a failure in most aspects of my god forsaken life, but this gave me some hope and optimism, but about 1 month ago she ended up in the hospital as I vacated within Beanland (I'm mexican) and didnt realize shit was bad until it was too damn late, her brother had to break everything to me as the dread I used to feel on a daily basis before meeting her came back but on some fucking jacked up steroids, I Haven't left her side since and now the very though of death haunts me to this day, for I watched her beautiful smile malformed more and more until it was a lifeless sickly pair of dead lips, this was a week ago when she was finally declared clinically dead from a terminal lung cancer that was detected and found too late into the process, and I havent left my home ever or even ate a bite of anything or even slept for that matter, my pillows are soaked with tears and now im just completely over turned with an actual depression that my previous clinical depression couldnt even compare to.
I need some genuine advice on how to even get my life back together to that moment when the love of my eternally shitty life was with me, i want that 1 month to return to me once more, i wanted it to be everlasting, what can i do? all i know right now is posting on 4chan, i have lost all contacts with my family and my roomie is too busy accounting for my rent.