Having ground my brain in the purist science that I can get my hand on, I am skeptical that Jesus Christ was a representative of God. However, the lack of scientific explanation for the existence of the universe and life's relationship to a theoretical common ancestor outside of the simulation, that makes simulations to make its replacements, is incomplete, and so therefore I hold open the tiny probability that one day, a portal will emerge made of "infinity Physics blocks, full of eyes and brains" will explode into existence, and another representative of he who created this universe, steps through to take a look around and take stock of where we are at and what we got to deal with.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LTCxG4UMEsI also hold open the possibility that the answer is beyond our imaginations.
That we poke our head through the portal, and we see our own face in the past saying Don't worry, God is not "other", God is just you in the future and the past. It's all just rules and computation, and you.