>>21505222“Oi den spent me fucken week trainin’ up Anno faw da Rookie Cup, keep meself busy, making sure all da cunts at Kazoo’s beach pah-ty would sees me and Kelsie and maybe fink ta demselves, ‘Oi sure would love ta win dem tag toitles.’ But a-fucken-parrently not. Den Anno fucken bombs out round one – no biggie, shit happens and she’s’ll only get bettah. If she evah fucken goes back ta da Cademy in the first place. New cunts rockin up ev’ry day and da cunts ‘ere dissa-peerin’ loik some fucken magic show.”
“Den fucken Fyooro backstage torkin shit, ‘ain’t able ta take a fucken joke about ‘er own loser of a newbie – and dat ain’t no fucken insult. She fucken lost. AT LEAST half da cunts in ev’ry match is gonna lose, every fucken toim. Dats jus’ maffs, innit? And boy da toim Oi foynally drag a fucken match challenge outta dem soft cunts, ‘parrently one-a ‘em has summin’ bettah ta do aftah. Fucken ridiculous. Oi corled her a gorilla, Fury, and dat was wrong a-me. She’s is maw loik a Ben-garl fucken toigah, ‘cause she acted loik a fucken pussy.”
“Toim comes faw a P-dub-E, and all dose cunts just scramble ta get emselves’ on there. Dey ignaw da beef dey’s have wiff uvva cunts, just ta troy and... what? Get ya name written on some fancy background? Ya skip da weekly shows dat Oi fucken carry on me back just ta grab some fucken big-show-bonus. Makes me fucken sick. Cunts loik me, Keeoh-ko, Evva-lyn, Kay-ori and Scarlo, Neffer and Neef, fucken Suey orl keepin’ dis place running week-ta-week, and den dose cunts stay off TV den swoop in loik fucken mag-poys when it’s toim faw a special show? Nah, fuck off. If Auntie Sheila had er way den nobody what ain’t been seen since da last spesh show wouldn’t get a fucken spot.”