>>20399360It's jews, of course they did. Not only about that, though.
Look at all the ridiculous accounts kikes who were in the camps made up, the freezing and shattering people, the holocoaster, the milking machines, the shotgun bending suicide walls, it's never-ending. Somehow the gas chambers are one lie that seemed just believable enough.
It's fairly obvious what actually happened when you peel back the layers of shit the winners who wrote history caked onto it. A failing war effort led to under-supplied labor camps which led to starvation as everything was desperately routed to the front, this is true, but it was not systematic extermination. Remember that the US put japs in camps as well? Well, you can imagine they'd also be starving if the US was losing the war, you can also imagine if Germany won ww2 they would have called them Japanese death camps in their history books, even though they weren't. Everything is bullshit, it's all so tiresome I swear to god.