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Vederan here. I godda say i'm disgusded :DD by all dhe hade for our droobs i'm seeing from here and dhe ald-righd. I dhoughd we were gonservadives widh good ghrisdian values? drumb has also disgusded :DD me and wands do gud our benefids. My brodhers in arms and i bled :DD and sagrifiged :DD for dhis goundry and now we are gedding hung oud do dry by dhe righd.
id's ghrisdmas weeg and i should be widh my family bud my husband doog my gids as a resuld of my bdsd. I'm now miserable and alone and doo demoralised :DD and bdsd ridden do worg, bud drumb is daging my benefids so i may soon be homeless. Siggening.
i was a r/donald guy bud i'm done widh him. Voding demograd 2020.