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I admit that browsing reddit is pure disinfo but...
Today I realized how wrong I truly was. I understand now the powers that be hate this website because of the free flow of information, I didn't even believe in shills to be honest but today opened my eyes. I realized how manipulated I've been through the mainstream media, the internet social media (ESPECIALLY REDDIT), and my general nature to dismiss dissenting opinions. I want to say that I'm sorry. Manafort's charges are for crimes committed a decade ago, The Podestas are under the microscope, Trump doesn't seem affected at all, and Russia "hacking" and collusion has disappeared completely. To add to that it seems like more pedophilia allegations are sweeping hollywood and the entire establishment seems to be in total chaos. What is truly going on? What have I missed this past year? I'm not a total Trump supporter yet, but if the entire power structure and uniparty establishment is going after Trump he must be doing something good.