Working out and getting buff is essentially for getting popular among girls
Anonymous No.14994939 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Men try so hard to work out to be popular or for pleasing girls( or boys if they are gay)
One day i talked with a girl, having a topic over her insta korean friend. He is really buff and work out 24/7 as a gym trainer
She said he says he isn’t interested in girls
But that’s of course bullshit cuz the body making is in the first place smt that you starts from that kinda desire.
If you are fit or buff regardless of your gender, that means you had a desire to be so at least in the past when it started and till it became a custom
My conclusion; working out culture is vain or vanity. Don’t waste your time at those small rat house especially when you are younger. Train your brain and don’t run away to working out
If you are a smart ass you know what i mean