>>19281659>>19281662>>19281665> No idea why the CO2 atmosphere of Mars appears to "Cling" to the exterior of its spherical spinning surface without the need for physical containment. This phenomenon is observable on others planets too.>No idea why the sun and the moon don't change in angular size from rising to setting by a factor of 2 to 3 since they are local to the earth, and no idea why the sun according to the inverse law of radiation is not 4 to 9 times brighter at midday than at sunset and sunrise when viewed from Australia.> No credible reason why millions of people (mostly scientists, engineers and technicians ) over decades would lie to keep the globe earth alive, and why nations and commercial enterprises, accountable to the voters and shareholders respectively, would spend (waste) $2 trillion a year , each and every year to maintain the globe lie.>No idea how it is possible to measure the value of G, the universal gravitational constant and in so doing, verify the theory of gravity.>No scientific papers publish in the last 100 years supporting the flat earth.Now the globe earth and the heliocentric model have answers that are consistent with each other to all of the above that the flat earth can't explain, but the globe earth is wrong and the flat earth is correct , even although the flat earth model is almost useless at explaining anything?
Have I understood the situation correctly?
The flat earth is gaslighting to the power infinity.