>>9869079Women are vulnerable to pressures to have sex from the men they have feelings for, even if they are not ready for that. They often do not want to disappoint and are afraid of being dumped. So, yes, while most of these women who are 'taken advantage of' did agree to have sex at the time, it often is reluctantly or with the impression that they would not be dumped afterward. Women are often naive when they are young, and let their emotions overpower logic. After this happens to them three, four times, some women lose all self respect and become whores. After all, when your body count is already three or four, whats another 10? Men who want pure women will already reject a girl with three past partners anyway.
Remember - Men chase the pussy just as much as women let the penis inside. It takes two. You can't just blame it all on women exclusively when so many men are doing all sorts of things to extract sex from women.