>>12222008Yeah, compared to national media it might also be better. I know a lot of /danes/ would claim that our media is bad, and if you only read the four big ones, fucking hell yes. But i can guarantee you, that they don't touch anything else then, because we luckily have access to a broad opinion in media, if you're not to fat, anglo-focused and CNN obsessed to fail to do so. We have extremely biased new media, having a wierd focing focus on blm and LGBT, on matters that are google translated to the Danish environment, and makes no fucking sense what so fucking ever, even if you support integrating minorities. And the socialist parties, are not all socialist any more. That's why pic related, the last surviving communist paper is taking off. Not because of growing communist support, i would argue that to this days it shrinks, but for many who seek a left wing criticism on the current political left wing. Like me. I do not subscribe to communism, or not even socialism. But if i got the critical views from the major right wing newspaper, i would get brainwashed.
the paper is "Klassekampen" so literally class-warfare.