>>12061009>I for one certainly don't feel high IQ. I find myself unable to properly articulate all the intricate bullshit that makes this world so fucked up. When I speak my mind, all I hear is about how insane I sound. How I don't have any evidence. How every voice of authority disagrees with me. But if I was really high IQ I'd think I should be able to succeed at least a little bit in a debate if the face of all that.>Am I just smart enough to be able to see through the bullshit but not smart enough to be able to help others see through it?The Problem is Context.
There is no Context where you can properly arituclate the Madness we are living through. Every Fact you anounce goes against the Narratives that are supported by your own Societies Values, those facts have already been discarded in the Bluepilled Zeitgeist; they've been integrated by the Value Systems of each Normalfag and updated to " current year".
People aren't Talking or having Political discussions to Disprove their own Zeitgeist, that's what you do when you come here, you come here to Doubt, to be of Two Minds and hold Paradoxical Views to gain insight of happenings and developments of your Society; Normalfags cannot hold two Oppositional Ideas without going Mad.
>Scott Fitzgerald pinned human intelligence on its tolerance of paradox. In his 1936 essay “The Crack-Up,” Fitzgerald writes that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” For example, he says you should “be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise.>be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise>neglecting opposing views>He confesses he’s lost this ability—and as a result, himself.https://qz.com/1247378/forget-the-turing-test-give-ai-the-f-scott-fitzgerald-test-instead/