"Your loss, love. If ya wanna hop on up, the floor is yours or we's can do a doo-wet. Trust me, mate, ain't nuffin loik a bitta carry-oh-kai ta get ya spirits up."
>[As a fight breaks out in the crowd, Sheila, uses her platform and microphone for good. For justice. For the benefit of all nearby patrons. She provides commentary.]"Bah gawd, look out! Troyin' ta attack from behind, but not ta-noight! Kah-nah's too bloody switched onta it, and -- FUCK ME DEAD look at that fucken backhand! Old mate ain't gunna get up from that!"
>[The bar falls silent, and Karna continues to drink alone, and Sheila -- well, Sheila doesn't make good decisions sometimes.]"Cunts and cockheads, me name's Sheila and youse've been a wondah-fool orr-dience. Maybe Oi'll see ya round da bend, or maybe I was never fucken here at all! Onya, cunts!"
>[Dropping the microphone to a thump and feedback, Sheila goes to talk to Karna.]"G'day, love. We ain't met proppah, but me name's Sheila. Moind if I pull uppa chair?"