>>9919751Freemasonry is crypto satanism
Some connections between Saturn and Satan.
Where as Gods symbolism is around the Sun and light Saturn stands in Duality to this. In example in Alchemy the Sun is Gold, perfection, whereas Saturn is lead (base/ruin)
Saturn being the planet the furthest away from the sun still visible with the naked eye, the furthest away from God.
The 6th planet with the hexagon on its northpole forming the cube. (both satanic symbolism)
Being in greek the embodiment of time and thus ultimately decay and death like Satan, is the source of sin with sin causing our death/mortallity.
The 6s in its seal (pic related)
The 6s encoded in the the Seal of Solomon (6 small triangles with 60° corners) and the hexagon.
Sun is associated with Gold (perfection and the highest) in alchemy as Saturn is Lead (being in ruin and the lowest), polar opposites once again
Saturn in Astrology is ruling the Karma which Buddhists say traps us in this world just like the Sin which Satan brought, brought us into this world
Pic related then shows clearly who their god is, Satan, this material world and their own ego.
The square in pic related, which incorporates the origin of the Masons Logo is even associated with Saturn
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square#Europe_after_15th_century>>9919747considering kikes are edomites
>>9919752 >>9919753 and that edomites descent from Canaanites who worshipped moloch (which is saturn, the bast candidate for satan) through childsacrificeswhich traditionally are said to be through which the line of Cain continues who is the child of eve and the serpent/satan/the devil, the Jesus calling these people children of the devil and a brood of vipers was quite likely way more literal than people tend to assume