>>10266680 >[...] tHE TrUe reASoN fOR mAKinG SoMeOnE to comE iNtO beIng Is NevEr fOR The PErsON’s owN SaKe, but ALwaYs For tHE iNTErEst Of hiS/HeR PROGeNitORs, in A cLEaR attItUde of mANipUlAtION; rAdIcAl mANIpulAtiOn IndeeD BeCAusE, iN cONtrasT wItH UsUaL mANipulatION of PEOPLE aLREadY alIVe, mAnIPuLATioN iN pROCrEatIon AFFecTS tHe VeRy bEIng oF tHe PErSON, aNd nOT ONlY SOME of hiS/Her PRedICAtEs.