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It's kind of irrelevant since Islam is a false religion based on doctrines of demons.
>"Jesus of Nazareth [and the Apostles] were accredited to you by God through miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through them, as you yourselves know."
Muhammad was not similarly accredited by God. He was not able to miraculously heal thousands of people nor raise many (or any) from the dead. Because he rolled around on the ground foaming at the mouth repeating doctrines of devils which are the foundation of Islam.
"See, we have made the Koran beautiful to your ears, and easy to memorize..." That is the most of a miracle you will get from Islam, a religion which spreads by the sword, by conversion-or-death evangelism by beheading, and which has slaughtered untold millions of innocent victims in its bloody conquest across vast swathes of the earth.