>>11104357It's the only thing left of any value and transcendence for the masses. Musk represents the only redeeming quality of modern society, even with all the smoke he sells.
If you can't cling to Elon Musk and his dreams of space exploration, what else is left for our civilization? We are in a mass surveillance society, monitorized by the most advanced facial recognition AI, and state enforced children transexuality is not a joke anymore. I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. Normies cling to him as a form of escapism from nihilism and the most pointless, vapid, hedonistic, consumerist, emasculated, infantilized and paradoxically stupidified society to ever exist. Musk reminds the masses that there can be more to life than just consuming the next product, that there are open spaces out there, where you can escape from this madness, and that the universe isn't the claustrophobic box you spend your entire life in.