Quoted By:
>be me, almost 6 years since last relationship
>in that time finish college and law school
>depressed, drunk, drug addicted with 60k+ of student loan debt
>tried to kill myself in august of 2017
>spend a few years just aimlessly wandering, smoking weed and browsing tinder
>be <2020>
>middle of global pandemic, quarantined and cut off from friends and family, literally no hope of anything getting better, plan on checking out and killing myself for real this time
>Dec 2020
>meet a girl on tinder, we hit it off, start talking on the reg, by mid Jan were seeing each other weekly
>decide to not be a broke nigga and to support my new boo so I apply for a job in early Jan and get accepted
>dad buys me a car to help me get to work after not having me despite having my license since 2014
>fast forward to this past Friday, spend the weekend with my girl
>have romantic dinner at little Italian restaurant with amazing food and great service
>take her back to hotel, spend entire night fucking
>wake up, cuddle, fuck some more, smoke some weed, get breakfast
>spend hours just snuggling and talking about random stuff
>Plan on going on a mini vacation in a few weeks since I’m now flush with cash
>she helps me be more positive about myself and self-care
>job pays well and gives me a massive confidence boost
>car is a shitbox but allows me to be mobile and not tethered to one place
>am alive and in good health, have some money and freedom, new election means political/social madness is alleviated, generally more happy/optimistic/confident in myself
>mfw I got a girl, a job, and a car all within the timespan of 3 weeks after being down on my luck and suicidal for years, and during a global pandemic to boot
Guys it’s hard out there, but not impossible. Keep ya chins up, my kings, and always remember there’s always someone who will love your autistic yee yee ass no matter what.