I've came to a decision that had me contemplating to do this or not, but I believe that I need a truce between the furfags and scalies because I have found a bigger problem than them:frogposting. This isn't easy for me to say but the frogposting has became too toxic for me to where I believe that they are worse than scalies and furfags, so I've decided to set my eyes and anger towards frogs instead.
>inb4 isabelle proxyfag calls me a scalie and to go back to >>>/trash/I still hate furries and scalies, but I believe that the frogs MUST be dealt with first b4 I give you fags shit. So if Hong Kong and Isabellefag agree to this treaty, I will NOT post or comment on any furry/scalie threads in /bant/ until this is over. We must decide what to do in order to bring peace between this board, for I am sick of the fighting and bickering between us as much as everyone else.