>>17292572Does it bother you that the Surah of Maryam tells pretty much the same story as the Gospels do about the Holy Spirit conceiving Mary, thus the Father of Jesus is the Holy Spirit even according to the Quran? Do Muslims know that the Latin Vulgate, Vetus Latina, Septuagint, Apocrypha, Greek Gospels, were translated by many scholars over hundreds of years and there is literally not a snowballs chance in hell that the Vulgate could have been a forgery or corrupt because of the multitude of translations they compared any new revision with? Do Muslims know that Mohammad’s revelations begun well over 200 years after the Latin Vulgate had been finished and that Mohammad was telling stories from that book? Why do you call Mohammad a prophet if he told stories from the Bible? Or did he actually tell some prophesies that weren’t in the Bible already?