>>11386651reminds me of rin, no idea why
>glutesI can't understand if you're implying that midriffs turn you on or if you genuinely don't know that glutes comprise the main asset of the woman, but surely you would you've done exercuses you'd know what glutes are
>emis lack of legsPARTIAL lack of kegs, why mister Johmson and Johmson I do say that if her legs didn't go much past her pelvis she'd merely be a wheelchair bound onahole anybody would dump after the first usage, the small amount of legs she has add to her quality
>one hit wonderwell it's the easiest one to chew and it features a tsundere for a main love interest unlike the other franchises, chaos head was pretty good but oart of it's goodness was the excessive perversion which couldn't just go in the anime (which is pretty weird for a story about serial killings)
steins gate zero got the anime, but that's about it
>change academiamy reasoning is complex and my motives are biased, theres too much beneath the surface to put it in words, I'd need 5 years to get the masters degree and even still I'd need to be accepted as an assistant, then get the phd and only then I'd have enough power to change anything, but I'd need the position of a professor to do much of what I got in store
>did I failyes, and without the premonition (heh) I'd only be able to enlist this year, which I didn't
>student feesI invested that money into finnishing the year and I failed, if the state stipends aswell as prefactorial ones don't demand a payback why would my town's
>highly specific it took me days to realise I needed to use underscores and brackets to specify what I'm looking for