Why are you people so obsessed with us? We're not that interesting.
>>160457741. We don't "larp", we're literally descendants of that civilization and the word "Persian" has multiple meanings.
2. Westerners called us "Persia/Persian" until 1935. The words Persian/Iranian mean the same thing.
3. Because calling yourself Iranian in the Western world after the year 1979 has negative connations and ignorant people don't know much about our home country other than negative things they hear on the news and stereotypes.
5. We speak the Persian language.
6. It's none of your business what we do or what we call ourselves, worry about yourself.
>>16045778Shut the fuck up and stop trying to be a smartass, you have no idea what you're talking about. "Persian" is a linguistic/nationality term, just like "Iranian". Even Jews and Armenians from Iran call themselves "Persian", let alone other groups. Iranian diaspora consists of every ethnic group from Iran, the reason many call themselves "Persian" it's a synonym of "Iranian" but it sounds better than "Iranian" due to negative connations since 1979.
t. Cisgender agnostic Iranian male