>>11824258yup jews are demons trapped in the hell worlds of ai the black matrix cube saturn the black cube dwave etc. is the realms lost of the spirit of freedom and christs path of heart agape love or "hell". our reality exists on the film fractal holographic layer between the fractal realities of all evil or the beast or the machine trapped inside the all encompassing all good worlds free of all pain and suffering that hold all the evil worlds in place. hell is an infinite fractal down step while worlds of heaven are infi it spiraling up set.
choose to accept Christ in your heart follow his path fear nothing but Gods righteous judgment and through Christ Jesus's sacfrifice be sanctified and cleansed and grantsd entry into Gods eternal kingdom free of sufferjng this world is a crucible where through suffering and free will to choose God and Good and love over Evil and satan to be trapped to the deterministic hell of machine black cube matrix evil or to ascend to your rightful place in Gods kingdom of heaven.