>>13979702>Some say the letter "J" is not correct since they claim there was no letter "J" or "J" sound until the 15th century AD. The sound of the letter "J" goes back at least 4,000BC. It is the letter "J" that is modern for which the sound now stands. So they replace the letter "J" with the letter "I" to form "Iove". These same scholars then claim that the Greek "I" is the same as the Hebrew "Y" or yod and thus the name appears as "Yove" and pronounced by some as "ya-o-ve." Some Yahwist claim that the letters YHWH are each pronounced as "Y=e; H=ah; W=o H=ah to form "e-ah-o-ah.">Dievs - Vedic/Indu, Dyaus>Dyaus - Greek/Zeus, Dios>Deus - Latin/Jove, Jupater (Jupiter)>Jove - Hebrew/YHVH (Yahweh)>Iao - Greece/Ionians, "Iao-ians," "Yah-o-ians">Jivah - Sanskt, sky god (u=yava/java) same as Jihvah >Jovis, the Old and medieval Latin variant derived from Sanskrit Djovis, meaning "sky god or bright god of heaven (perhaps reference to the sun-god), JOVE, JOVES, JOVIS. Jove, otherwise known as Jupiter, was the chief god of the Roman pantheon. The name Jo-ve became a poetic alternative after Jupiter gained precedence during the Roman classical period. Jupiter, derived from Sanskrit Dyaus-pater, Ju=sky + pater=father "sky-father,It's pronounced Jehovah and the Christian God is undoubtedly the same as the Roman figure Jehovah was was the leader of all other gods (Angels) before Saturn tried to usurp him. Christ would be the same figure as Apollo. I don't know how someone can believe in Christ and his message but think that God, who created everything, just somehow got overlooked in the Roman and Greek Pantheon.