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"God" is the rendering in the English versions of the Hebrew "El," "Eloah," and "Elohim." 1 "El" does not signify Deus (God) but Sol (Sun)." 2 "The word El ought to be written Al. In the original it is AL and this word means the God Mithra, the Sun, as the Preserver and Saviour." 3 Since the word translated God in the first chapter of Genesis is 'Elohim', the majestic plural form of El, the Sun, translatable as 'MIGHTY SUN' 4 and since we read that "Elohim made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, he made the stars also." GENESIS, I, 16. ELOHIM (GOD) IS SEEN TO BE THE PARENT OF THE SUN OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, KNOWN TO OCCULTISTS AS THE SUN BEHIND THE SUN. AS MAN IS INFORMED BY AN INVISIBLE SOLAR OR SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE, IN LIKE MANNER THE MANIFESTED UNIVERSE IN ANIMATED BY AN INVISIBLE OR SPIRITUAL LIGHT.
The identity of the God of the .Mohammedans with the God of the Hebrews and Christians, and of the inner truth of these religions, is indicated by the fact that the word Elohim or MIGHTY SUN written in Arabic with the article means Allah, God Manifesting in Nature, the Undefinable, the Beginning, and the End. "He is the Lord of Sirus." (The Dog Star), Koran Sura, liii, The Star.