only got a couple hours of sleep. a week's worth of turmoil though. i'm as nervous as a fat turkey on halloween saw in the other thread there might be trouble with gold. not enough in the vaults and promises sold that can't be kept. there have been rumors to that effect going back literally decades. india may save the day once again i think. mining stocks are certainly acting like there's a problem we'll have to dig our way out of. but like i said, very old rumors.
i'll be here for the intel earnings, for pats on the back or jeers, whatever comes. market today is a beautiful sight, seems like
>>22015186 really is happening, but right before death there is usually a surge of vitality. hoping for the best. had strange dreams that make very little sense to me. the last one i was stuck in poverty with no way out and surrounded by treachery. haha, just a dream though...