>>17260902look it's real simple, as long as you realize that every single thing about the troon issue is another layer of lies
it's pure delusion and mental illness on the part of the people who exhibit it, combined with an amoral money grubbing medical industry, allied with satanic jews who wish to destroy everything good, natural and beautiful created by God
we're starting from a base premise of the idea that the sexes are interchangeable. you could not think of a more ridiculous lie if you tried. from that wellspring, nothing should shock you. you are dealing with people who are so mentally ill they have renounced a basic, fundamental truth of reality. there is no level of delusion and untruth they won't adopt to try and make reality conform to their warped perception.
"using a strapon" would be in essence, to cede the argument. "yes i wnbaw"
no, they cant have that. they MUST remake reality to their image, consequences be damned