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I'm a bit out of season this summer
But some individuals have completely different situations and problems, so the "gym bro" "all knowing" yo-yo-ing Jewish shit isn't respected nor respectable
If women are taller than me, fitter than me, smarter than me, but have a good character... Then I'm not insecure at all
I like very statuesque women, thicker women, etc... No problem...but if not for me, it's meh whatever
I have to take care of myself more
"Snu Snu" without the death
"Tom boys" without the toms... And without the boys
I'm stronger because I can take way more shit but have nothing to prove... And don't want shit :)
Etc...But if Non Jewish... Sure I want women I can admire, and look up to while still being respected as the man... But that's my individual opinion