>>9618289>>96182891600 years of historical void, no relevance. but the purging and genocides on those areas by the mongols and many others are well-documented and really happened. then it's zero sign of any developing culture or society from your void period, in the soil of that named as romania now and you try labeling as "always belonged to us".
nopro wewuzromaniansheiiit, wewuzdominant & wewuzmajority but all the time let others to rule and was not able to show any kind historical impact with its fictional existence or to show any sign of roman continuity.
It is a pile of crap and full of contradiction! nowhere history of nation that you could refer honest way. copy-pasted fairytales to give you some kind of artificial consciousness.
romania exists now because others needed a proxy, an obsever country at the russian border which can be remote controlled anytime.