>>5016805>>5016806>>5016832grug give quick grugdown
-Rothgrugs bend head down to Grogdanoffs
-They did see flying big man in sky
-They see what grug think with voodoo
-Smash garlic grug with iron but good club
-Own big cave & shiny rock in all of grug land
-Make sexy fun time with grug who wear shiny rock on head
-Will make cave on shiny rock in sky (Grogdangrad will be be the first cave)
-Watch all grug make sexy fun time all over grug land
-First big man in sky babiy will be Grogdanoff baby
-both Grogdanoff brother know how make shiny rock club, only small eye grug and glow grug now how make
-Elder poo skin grug tell of two flying sky man come grug land and bring big shiny rock glub and how to make
-They own tiny club all grug can no see, too tiny
-You have tiny Grogdanoff club in you now
-Grogdanoffs always talk with 2 big man in sky, tell about big man in sky to cross grug. Who think make hat on head grug meet cross grug (the first they talk in 10 day) and make cross grug trip to hard water cave first time few day later to the Grogdanoff cave in ground in grug land?
-They learn garlic grug talk in a week
-Elder give lots of shiny rock to twins. There no shiny rock in Cave Knox, only Cave Grogdanoff
-The twin 70 moon come and go's old, from how many time elder grug watch moon up and down
-In grug land, they grug with no moon up and down and they in all grug land from sun come up to when sun no come up no more. no one know what Grogdanoff want. Me want they good good grug.
>>5016807wrong grug