>>21478472Lexi’s head is spinning after a brutal exchange of strikes with Zuni. She couldn’t keep this up for much longer. One more big move would surely leave her beaten and subject to the whims of the master of this cage, Zunigoth. She needed to take control, and find a way to end this.
With a swift grapple, Lexi grabs Zunigoth, and attempts to walk her toward the nearby ropes, the perfect position to spear her opponent through the cage just as she had once done to Kanako. She could hear the monster’s breathing. It was heavy, laboured. Zunigoth too was reaching her limits. But any encouragement Lexi gained from such a realisation is short lived, as Zuni vigorously fights out of her grasp with a series of elbows to the gut. After one particularly pointed blow, Lexi staggers away, badly winded.
Zunigoth surges toward her, hands clasped together in a double axe handle aimed at her head. And it is at that moment that Lexi hunches over and below the arc of Zuni’s swing as she tries to catch her breath, momentarily oblivious to the danger she had inadvertently avoided. But Lexi is nothing if not an opportunist, and upon realising what had happened quickly grabs Zunigoth while the giant is off balance following the miss, traps both arms, and with all the might she has left, lifts her onto her shoulders. Then she smashes her foe’s body back down into the mat with a brutal Ricola bomb.
She springs into the pin. The ref’s count reaches one. Then two. Time seems to slow. The last second is agony. What if Zuni kicked out? What could she throw at her next? What would-
She did it? She did it! Lexi is overcome by elation and relief in equal measure as the ref’s count hits three, the bell rings and her music begins to play. She rolls away from Zunigoth, and buoyed by a rush of adrenaline, rises to her feet. She had done it. She had defeated Zunigoth and become the WWA’s new Intercontinental Champion.