>>13512963Your take on my post utterly missed my point.
How old are you, really? And, I understand if you were insulted or didn’t like what I had to say. But, you aren’t even trying to see things from my, from our Southern perspective which makes me question just how “white” you really are.
One year we are happily toiling away, working 60+hrs per week putting food on the table, dealing w/all the crap globohomo foists upon us already but, content nonetheless.
Then, the next year we’re getting literally invaded by people who come from different parts of the country(forget the foreign trash for the moment) who do not necessarily share ALL of our thoughts & hopes & these same people, thru sheer numbers, force housing to become impossible to attain, using up resources designed & built for local populace & even change the little things like the whole town shutting down on Sundays out of respect for rest & peace, a long-standing tradition quickly fading away.
All these things plus more & im not allowed to be angry or show contempt for those wrecking what my ancestors built for me & my progeny? My son’s birthright yanked out from under him & I’m supposed to be ok w/that?
Over the past years I have literally become a National Socialist (can’t believe I use “socialist” referring to myself). I now know that the good guys lost WWII just like the good guys lost the Civil War. I literally help ALL white peoples I encounter now, even the Yanks who aren’t from my area originally. So, no, you are wrong about me wanting white peoples out so I can live amongst “muh Nashville niggers” or whatever.
I’ll kindly retract my epithets hurled at you if you can meet me halfway & just try to sympathize w/us, your fellow whites whose towns, villages & ways of life are dramatically changing while we get no say in how it happens.